Das Forum der Guild Wars Gilde Altes Eisen

RSS-Feed: Update - Friday August 10

RSS Feed für Spielupdates in Guild Wars
Altes Eisen
Beiträge: 2151
jedwab poszewki
Registriert: Montag 9. Mai 2005, 19:14

RSS-Feed: Update - Friday August 10

Beitrag von Altes Eisen »

Skill Updates

We will be evaluating the following Skill changes over the course of the next week. Additional adjustments may be made during that time period.

DervishRending Touch: increased recharge time to 8 seconds.

NecromancerReckless Haste: increased Energy cost to 15; increased duration to 6..12 seconds; increased recharge time to 12 seconds.

RitualistWielder's Strike: reduced recharge time to 5 seconds.Ancestors' Rage: reduced Energy cost to 5.

WarriorDesperation Blow/Drunken Blow: these Skills now only knock you down if they hit.

Bug FixesRemoved the ability to create a Guild Wars account without a Guild Wars Access Key.

Quelle: http://www.guildwars.com/support/gameupdates/
